Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Who is the new Historical?

Lately, the doll world has been very hectic. Tons of things have happened and are going on.

~Beforever (Samantha's Back!)
~New Retro Our Generation
~Rumors on 2015 GOTY

And of course....


These rumors suggest that the new doll will be Historical, named Mary Ellen, and from the 50's.
  Personally, I am very excited because...
A.) I love historicals
B.) The leaked photos of the doll are 100% adorable
C.) The 50's are my FAVORITE time period! I love Audrey Hepburn, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra,
Mickey Mouse Club, Sock hops, Greasers, Drive-ins, Poodle Skirts, etc.

Who doesn't love the 50's!!!!!!!!

Before I show the pictures, I would like to talk about a few things.

Possibly this doll will have Polio.

Civil Rights Movement
Many people predict the doll's story will involve the Civil Rights Movement
but I do not think so. The Civil Rights Movement was from 1955-1968, which is
mainly in the 60's. If they do have a Civil Rights Movement Doll, she will probably live in the 1960's.
The Issue? Julie Albright, another American Girl is from 1974, roughly 10 years away.
 This is a close, so I do not think it will happen. Plus, when I think of the 50's, I picture sock hops,
poodle skirts, drive-ins, etc. I'm not saying a Civil Rights Movement Doll is a bad idea though.
I think she'd be pretty cool if they made one.

Here she is...

 Photo From

She is adorable. I love how original she is, I do not think I have ever seen a doll like her.
Her collection looks already so cute, and hopefully isn't too expensive. I can
tell she will have a lot of Mary Jane shoes in her collection!

I think I will definitely get Mary Ellen and her outfits. They
are just too cute to pass up.

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